Ryan Taylor - Chairman, CIC | Jamaica 2020-2021

Ryan Taylor – Chairman, CIC | Jamaica 2020-2021

The idea that that a three corded rope is not easily broken, certainly proves true for that of the Construction Industry Council, which was founded by three visionaires representing three of the Bodies of the Construction Industry in 1960. The vision of the early pioneers, for one unified voice that speaks with authority on behalf of the industry continued 60 years later.

Though the issues may change and the wars may take on different shape, one thing remains constant is the resolve of the Construction Industry Council (CIC). Members, though seemingly independent, are interdependent on each other in order to maintain the highest standard of integrity and quality for our industry. So as good corporate citizens, we continue to play our role in the economic development of Jamaica, as we care for our members and our communities.

The changing times of 2020, has made us resolute and steadfast in our objective to maintain a sustainable built environment, for this and the next generations. In this effort, we continue to work with Government and Industry Partners in securing this future.

Together we are Stronger, United we are Strongest

Functions of the CIC

  • To provide a medium whereby matters of mutual interest and concern to key industry practitioners may be discussed, with appropriate action being taken where necessary
  • Draft, study and recommend Industry Codes and Practices for adoption by constituent bodies
  • Conciliate and or arbitrate on disputes between constituent bodies if requested by the parties to the dispute

Structure of the CIC

The Committee is comprised of three nominees for each constituent body.  It annually appoints a Chairman, a Vice Chairman and a Secretary/Treasurer, who along with the Past Chairman, constitutes the officers of the Committee.  The Chairman is always selected on a rotating basis and as far as possible; officers are selected from a different constituent body.

Get In Touch With Us

  • 11 Lady Musgrave Avenue
    Kingston 10, Jamaica

  • (876) 978-4061